Malaysia General Election, 2018

Today is the day where Malaysians cast their vote to choose the next ruling party that is going to rule for the next 5 years before the next general election. To some, today is a sacred day, and people had started get into line as early as 8 in the morning, and even stand in line for 2 hours waiting for their turn to ballot.

The writer itself arrived at the voting venue as early as 8:10AM to avoid hot weather, it is the day where we are able to see the face of those people, the old and even the young who try to make their best decision, and voice their hope with their vote.

What makes the writer proud is the attitude showed by Malaysian who casts their vote in the same venue. Good attitude during the day of election is plausible, it shows how mature a voter is by not becoming a slave of its own party and still able to act with intelligence.
Our vote is not for a party, our vote is for Malaysia.
After we are done casting our vote, let us hope for the best for our beloved Malaysia.  No matter what the outcome is tonight, let us together give our best for the nation.

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